width=Enrolled in a doctorate but not quite sure where to start?

Want to make progress on your PhD from day one but unsure what to do first?

Don’t panic! These are common questions and in this webinar you will find out the answers.

Academic research is complex and a PhD is probably the biggest project you’ll ever undertake, so you need a system to organise your thinking and help you make a productive start.

Dr Ben Ellway (from the University of Canberra and Academic Toolkit) has created a tool called ‘The Research Design Canvas’ to kickstart the research process. This tool brings together the 10 fundamental building blocks of academic research on a single page allowing you to see the key elements of your project at a glance.

In this webinar, Ben will show you how to use the Canvas to identify your own unique PhD starting point. Despite what some representations of the research process suggest, not all research projects start in the same place. Some PhDs begin with a real-world problem or planned outcome or artefact and others, for example, are theory or dataset driven. These different starting points bring with them a range of challenges and questions.

In this webinar you will learn:

• Why it is important to identify your PhD starting point early in your candidature
• What the most common PhD starting points are
• How to identify your own personal PhD starting point
• What steps to take to get your PhD off to a positive and systematic start.

Whether it is the first day, week or semester of your PhD candidature, or if you have just finished your first year, you’ll benefit from attending this webinar.

Resource: Download the Research Design Canvas.

Watch the webinar recording.

Integrity, Excellence,
Teamwork and Authenticity

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