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Advancements in the Digital Health industry sector.

  • December 3, 2024

    Australia-first online tool to support safe and responsible use of AI in healthcare

    The Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre (DHCRC) has unveiled a new initiative with the Department of Health and Aged Care and two specialist AI teams within the University of Technology Sydney UTS Rapido and UTS …

Future Thinking

Commentary and research from DHCRC and our Participants and contributions to topical debates in digital health.



  • In the ever-evolving world of digital health, the key to innovation and improved health outcomes lies in the strength and diversity of our workforce.

    We are thrilled to invite you to the inaugural Digital Health Expo (DHExpo) Series event, "The Diverse Digital Health Workforce".

    This event is a DHCRC initiative, in collaboration with Telstra Health.

    Date: 17 October 2024
    Time: In-person: 5pm – 8pm AND Online: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
    Location: Telstra Customer Insight Centre, Melbourne & Online

    Presenters: Professor Kerryn Butler-Henderson & Dr Salma Arabi

    Panelists: Professor Kathleen Gray, Ms. Amy McKimm, Professor Malcolm Pradhan & Ms. Caroline Lewin

    This event will explore the significant impact that diversity in the workforce has on advancing digital health. Join us to engage with prominent leaders, innovators, and advocates who are at the forefront of shaping a more inclusive digital health sector.

    This is a free event for anyone working in the digital health sector and is a fantastic opportunity to deepen your understanding of creating a more equitable, diverse, and effective workforce.

    Watch the recording here.

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  • This webinar discusses the transformative potential of large data and advanced analytics to benefit patient care, clinical trials, biomedical discovery and advance public health. The story of the lead up to, establishment of and continued growth of Health Data Research UK harnessing the health data for 68 million people is a powerful inspiration and highlights lessons learned. Imagine the possibility of collaboration to create a Health Data Research Australia.

    Key topics include:

    • The fourth industrial revolution - use of cyber-physical systems
    • Health Data Research UK - A national initiative to unite the UK’s health data to enable discoveries that improve people’s health
    • The power of partnerships and the future - local team science, national scale collaboration and the potential for global alliances to advance human health through data.

    Facilitator: Nadia Levin (Research Australia)

    Watch the recording

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  • This webinar discusses the potential uses of health data for practice reflection and professional development. Panellists will consider how this aligns with the Medical Board of Australia’s Professional Performance Framework.

    Key topics covered include:

    • How health data can be used to support practice reflection and professional development.
    • The use of data for performance improvement versus performance management.
    • How peak bodies are considering the role of performance data in professional development.

    Tim Shaw, Anne Tonkin, John Wilson, Julian Archer, David Rankin, Robert J Birnbaum

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  • In 2020, COVID-19 changed the health sector landscape forever, amplifying the need and urgency for innovators and entrepreneurs to bring novel solutions and products to market.

    This combination of urgency, need and opportunity has supercharged global investment in digital health, which rose from US $8.8 billion in 2019 to US $14.8 billion in 2020 (Mercom Capital Group), a trend that is widely expected to continue into the future.

    With technologies like robotics, AI, virtual reality, and blockchain thriving, what are the possibilities in health tech? Where are the future opportunities? And who will want to invest in them?

    Dr Terry Sweeney CMG (Panel chair ), Ken Saman, Louise Schaper, Michelle Perugini

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Older person checking their heart rate on a smart watch