Integrating AISquared & MINDtick: a personalised digital community health care mode

Project Participants

Status: Completed


Enable a personalised digital community health care model that guides case managers to better manage caseloads, prioritise patients for discharge and incorporate additional insights on patients’ health and behaviours outside the clinic to further personalise decisions and monitor patient health trajectories and outcomes.

Project objective

The project team linked the day-to-day objective measures and insights from personal data with electronic health record data is a powerful combination for developing algorithms that lead to improved decision support and early intervention opportunities.

This project created new tools by combining the two existing platforms – MINDtick and AISquared – and integrating these tools within existing programs to enable a personalised digital community health care model.

Integrity, Excellence,
Teamwork and Authenticity

Hand holding a smartphone against a colourful, defocused background