A local navigation tool for mental health care (MChart)
Project Participants
Status: Ongoing
Co-design a care navigation platform (MChart) to facilitate navigation of mental health care by professionals and decision makers, and by consumers.
Project objective
Mental health is the third highest cause of burden in Australia (AIHW, 2011). Australia’s complex and disjointed mental healthcare system is a barrier to improving health outcomes; this is because mental health services are not appropriately mapped, hence preventing individuals from accessing treatment in an efficient and efficacious manner.
In this project, the team will develop, test, and implement the “Local Mental Health Care Operational Navigation Chart” (MChart), a multi-applicable, multi-modal and multi-level framework and the related tools to navigate the local mental health system by professionals, managers and planners (MChart-P) and consumers (MChart-C).
- Refereed Journal ArticlePublished 22nd November 2024Mental Health Care Navigation Tools in Australia: Infoveillance Study