PhD scholarship top-up for Jamil Daher: The impact of integrated care in New South Wales on patients and the health system

Project Participants

Status: Completed


In recent years, there has been a shift towards value-based health care models. A key aspect of value-based health care models is integrated care. This involves increasing the transition of information and care coordination between health care providers so that a more targeted service can be provided to patients, particularly those with chronic or complex health conditions. Using the Lumos data set, the aim of this project is to understand the impacts and outcomes of selected NSW Integrated Care initiatives, so that existing and future initiatives can be tailored to improve outcomes for individuals and the health systems.

Project Objective

To achieve this aim, the proposed research will work to the following objectives:

  1. We will use the Lumos data asset to provide statistical descriptions of selected integrated care programs, patient outcomes, and health service utilisation. This will involve looking for underlying explanations in the data for variations in outcomes and utilisation. For example, this may cover demographics, clinical characteristics, and aspects of service delivery.
  2. We will develop predictive and/or statistical models that allow insights uncovered in (1) to be operationalised and actionable (using Lumos data). For example, given a choice of program for an individual of particular characteristics, what initiatives perform better. In another example, a model may examine Lumos data to forecast what kinds of initiatives are needed most.
  3. NSW Integrated Care, and associated data analytics, will be placed in a broader context of what work is done elsewhere and how integrated care contributes to Value Based Health Care.

Integrity, Excellence,
Teamwork and Authenticity

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