Integrating mental wellness and brain wellness assessment/advice on SiSU stations

Project Participants

Status: Ongoing


Develop a personalised mental health assessment tool and implement this technology at SiSU health check stations.

Project objective

This project sees Swinburne University of Technology teaming up with health tech company, SiSU to enhance and improve their existing health assessment portals.

SiSU health check stations have enormous potential to reach people who don’t tend to utilise face-to-face services. These internet-enabled medical devices allow individuals to undertake a free, self-service health assessment without the need to interact with clinicians. However, currently assessments are only available for physical conditions.

Researchers working on this project will aim to develop an evidence-based, empowerment-oriented mental health assessment tool, ready to be embedded into SiSU’s existing health self-assessment portals.

Integrity, Excellence,
Teamwork and Authenticity

Hand holding a smartphone against a colourful, defocused background