Governance of AI applications in health service organisations

Project Participants

Status: Ongoing


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies promise to transform care delivery, yet adoption in health service organisations remains slow. One of the main challenges for successful implementation and meaningful adoption of AI applications is their governance at the health service level. Such governance is critical not only to ensure safe and effective deployment but to foster clinician trust that leads to meaningful adoption as well as improvements in care delivery and patient outcomes.
There is no guidance for Australian health services about how to govern the safe and responsible implementation and use of AI. While there are a multitude of theoretical frameworks for AI ethics, there is little literature about how they are operationalised for the governance of AI applications in healthcare which are of varying levels of technical maturity; and can incorporate many different types of computational reasoning methods including traditional and generative AI; and be used in a wide variety of clinical and non-clinical areas.
This project will identify and test a framework for the governance of AI applications at the health service level. It is based on a collaboration involving Macquarie University, Alfred Health and the Digital Health CRC (DHCRC).

Project Objectives

Responsible integration and use of AI applications in clinical and non-clinical areas. It seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Confirm requirements for oversight of AI applications at Alfred Health in research and operational areas.
  2. Identify candidate frameworks for AI governance as well as models to assess technical maturity based on the literature and current practices in Australia and overseas.
  3. Develop drafts of an AI governance framework and maturity model to meet Alfred Health requirements.
  4. Test the AI governance framework and maturity model by applying them to exemplar AI applications.
  5. Revise the AI governance framework and maturity model based on testing and feedback.
  6. Make recommendations for implementation of the AI governance framework and maturity model at Alfred Health.

Integrity, Excellence,
Teamwork and Authenticity