Revolutionizing paediatric rehabilitation: merging technology and serious games

Published 5 December 2023

Leila Mouzehkesh Pirborj

PhD student | Human-robot interaction researcher

In the ever-evolving landscape of paediatric rehabilitation, a persistent challenge is aligning children’s participation with crucial exercises aimed at improving their physical well-being. The paper, “A Set of Serious Games Scenarios Based on Pepper Robots as Rehab Standing Frames for Children with Cerebral Palsy,” explores an approach that intertwines technology, serious games, and humanoid robots to redefine rehabilitation methodologies.

The paper explores the intricacies of designing efficient serious game scenarios driven by children’s requirements. At the forefront are six innovative rehabilitation game scenarios integrating standing frames with robotic assistance, specifically tailored for children with cerebral palsy. Developed in collaboration with specialists and through consultations with therapists at a paediatric rehabilitation centre, these scenarios navigate the delicate balance between the limitations and capabilities of humanoid robots.

The primary goal is to set the stage for future research, focussing on the tangible impact of humanoid robots in rehabilitation games and the potential to enhance children’s motivation, engagement, and overall enjoyment during the rehab process? The presented findings offer valuable insights into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

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