Curious minds double down on multimorbidity

Published 12 December 2023

Tribe leader Jade Barclay from Delphi Institute sums up her tribe’s DHCRC Curiosity Camp experience and outcomes.

“In clinical practice, most patients have multiple chronic conditions – not just one. Focusing on multimorbidity exposes blind spots entrenched in systems, cultures, and guidelines that were designed to address single diseases one at a time. Prior to Curiosity Camp, we explored what would need to happen for our health research and systems to reflect the daily clinical reality of multimorbidity. Then, the week at Curiosity Camp enabled our team to clarify complex issues surrounding this wicked problem, and together we identified dozens of projects, from culture and system change, health promotion and workforce capacity building, through to equity-based research data and policy advocacy.

To address multimorbidity gaps and progress these project concepts in sustainable and inclusive ways, we propose to establish a transdisciplinary and collaborative community of practice. Through this collaborative hub, bringing together expertise from industry, research, policy, practice, community and lived experience, we aim to continue to develop and mobilise our Curiosity Camp ideas. Two priority proposals include a trial to extend GP and allied health appointment times to allow clinicians enough time to undertake a full and detailed patient history, and mechanisms to support best practice communication and collaboration among public and private multidisciplinary teams. We believe this could be a first step towards improving multimorbidity management leading to better outcomes, quality of life and ongoing wellbeing for all patients and communities.”

Jade’s Curiosity Camp tribe members and supporters (DHCRC emerging leaders):

Manasha FernandoNalika UlapaneMilena LewandowskaRebekah RankinRitu TrivediLeila Mouzehkesh PirborjSaranjit SinghThomasina Donovan

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