In 2020, COVID-19 changed the health sector landscape forever, amplifying the need and urgency for innovators and entrepreneurs to bring novel solutions and products to market.

This combination of urgency, need and opportunity has supercharged global investment in digital health, which rose from US $8.8 billion in 2019 to US $14.8 billion in 2020 (Mercom Capital Group), a trend that is widely expected to continue into the future.

With technologies like robotics, AI, virtual reality, and blockchain thriving, what are the possibilities in health tech? Where are the future opportunities? And who will want to invest in them?

Dr Terry Sweeney CMG (Panel chair ), Ken Saman, Louise Schaper, Michelle Perugini

Integrity, Excellence,
Teamwork and Authenticity

Hand holding a smartphone against a colourful, defocused background